The DP Show!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ketchup and Mustard Day

I always hated that phrase in elementary school when the teachers had to be "clever" and trick the students into doing more work than normal because they were behind schedule for that week/month/whatever.  Two things; do you really need to outsmart 8 year olds?  If they don't do their work just call the parents or threaten them by taking away their recess.  Also, 70 percent of your class is going to suck balls at the standardized tests you're supposed to be teaching them so what difference does one day of catching up matter?  

Well, now that I have that rant behind me and I have alienated all my friends that are elementary school's Ketchup and Mustard Day on The DP Show blog!  You should probably listen to these episodes of the podcast if you haven't already.  You will be tested on this material later.  

While we're all still here, this would be a great time to mention we need some feedback from all 20 of our subscribers.  Dennis and myself are always looking for suggestions for topics, segments, and anything that's off the wall.  Right now, big ups to Deuce, Luke, John, and Leila for actually taking the time to email us.  We will need a few people to help us out with our trivia extravaganza.  Be it writing some questions, fact checking, or actually being our trivia host.  Let either of us know what you can contribute.

Last thing...homework assignment for all of your readers/listeners.  If you haven't emailed us already, please do so and just tell us where you're from and what you like or dislike about the show.  Easy enough right?

I look forward to hearing from all of you, and again, I can't stress this enough, tell someone about the podcast or the blog.  Gracias amigos!

Oh and Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there and the guys who potentially could be dads but haven't gotten that phone call or visit from a lawyer yet!


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